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Titan is one kind of important and quite common material, read the article below to know more on this material!

1. Learn about Titan:

Titani or titanium (Ti) is a chemical element, a metal, Group 4 (IVb) and atomic number 22. Titani is a silvery gray, lightweight, and high-strength metal, resistant to corrosion in seawater, aqua regia, and chlorine.


Same as aluminum and iron, Titanium is a light alloy but harder than them and difficult to oxidize. The most well-known properties of Titan are the extremely durable metal and high corrosion resistance. Be able to say that Titan is the most durable and strongest in the periodic table.

2. Major characteristics of Titan:

+ Titan has the highest strength to density ratio (high structural efficiency). In its pure form, Titan can be easily spun and machined.

+ Low density: 4.51 g/m3 (Half compared to the alloys as iron, nickel, and brass).

+ Outstanding corrosion resistance (resistant to chlorine, seawater and acidic-oxidizing environment).

+ High durability in air and chlorine environment.

+ Titan is considered as a completely non-toxic, hypoallergenic and biocompatible material and very short radioactive haff-life.

+ Titan is the most commonly used heat transfer in shells / tubes, sheets / frames and other kinds of heat transfer equipment to warm or cool liquids during the process, especially in seawater cooling equipment.