• Sheet metal & fabrication
    Sheet metal & fabrication
    Sheet metal & fabrication
  • Latest technology equipments and professional mechanical experts
    Latest technology equipments and professional mechanical experts
    Latest technology equipments and professional mechanical experts
  • Technical team has been trained and worked in Japan
    Technical team has been trained and worked in Japan
    Technical team has been trained and worked in Japan
  • Long-time experience, special techniques and skills from Headquarter
    Long-time experience, special techniques and skills from Headquarter
    Long-time experience, special techniques and skills from Headquarter
  • Flexible offer, Single-piece orders allowed
    Flexible offer, Single-piece orders allowed
    Flexible offer, Single-piece orders allowed
  • Always follow up for change of the times & Upgrade
    Always follow up for change of the times & Upgrade
    Always follow up for change of the times & Upgrade

455 - 0831 Achi ken, Nagoya shi Minatoku, Jyuuichiya, ichyoume, 11 Banchi, Japan.

Tel: (+81) 52 - 381 - 6001

Fax: (+81) 52 - 381 - 8229

Online Support

Hotline: 077 395 7746 ( Zalo )

Online: 103

Total: 103