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Due to its superior characteristics to conventional storage, stainless-steel storage tanks for materials and chemicals are one of the more well-liked storage goods these days. This kind of stainless-steel storage tank is more frequently used in facilities that handle food, medicine, pharmaceuticals, and other items that require stringent cleanliness and quality control to avoid contamination.

Almost of chemicals connected with high corrosion, a crucial consideration when making a decision that will directly impact the quality of storage tanks and industrial processes is the selection of appropriate materials for the tank's design. 


Image 1: Arai Tank 


A significant amount of Chrome, Nickel, and other elements are present in stainless steel storage tanks, and these components produce a naturally occurring, active acid layer that resists corrosion. It might be agreed that this increases durability and safety when chemicals are kept and transported as well as protecting the tank from the effects of all kinds of chemicals.



With various characteristics and chemical properties to be ideal for each industry. The storage tank depends on each separate purpose and application.


Chemical tanks with common standards:

      • Resistance to corrosion, oxidization and fire attendance.
      • High durability, good movement and chemical durability.
      • Chemicals are stored as original chemicals without mutations.

Image 2: Storage tanks.


Excluded with above standards, the tank with advantages as:

      • Nice surface.
      • Easy to clean.
      • Made of easy-to-find materials, convenient for maintenance.



      • Chemical Industry: In the production facilities and industries, the storage tanks are effective at storing, transporting, and managing chemicals.
      • Pharmaceutical Industry: The storage tanks are used to manufacture, store and transport finished pharmaceutical goods. 
      • Food Industry: The storage tanks are utilized for the storage and transportation of finished items and sub-ingredient substances.



Image 3: Oil tank with flexible movement.


The Customers are consistently pleased with the STAINLESS-STEEL TANK products manufactured by ISHO VIETNAM.

To ensure the best quality:

- ISHO Vietnam runs an experiment to see if a solvent-filled tank leaks many hours after it is manufactured.

- Burns after welding are cleaned by particularly welds-related cleaning liquids.

- Particularly welds-related cleaning liquids are used to remove burns after welding.

- Stainless steel products with mirror finish, buff polish surface: Its surface and welding joints are polished nicely with best regards.


Image 4: Cleaning oil tank.


All of images used for the article are the products produced by ISHO VIETNAM.

In case of having any interests in the product of STAINLESS-STEEL TANK.

Please contact us for an enthusiastic support.

Hotline093 568 9613 (Zalo) – 077 395 7746.