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Without using forklifts or any other lifting equipment, products/materials are transported to the working areas using an automatic ladder.

To make the ladder sturdier and more convenient to use once it has been moved to the desired location, a holding clock can be used to fix the ladder.



To move around the many areas, lightweight materials could be one of the greatest options:

- The entire ladder frame, ladder railing, and ladder steps are made of a superalloy that is anti-corrosion, long-lasting, and durable.

- Thanks to the use of embossed materials, ladder steps and working floors could generate friction and avoid slipping in the process of use. The walking distance fits the people's feet, makes walking easier.

- Ladder railing designed with nice shape, easy to hold and grab.

- Rubber castor wheels with locking rotation, easy to move.

- The main foot is equipped with anti-slipping rubber, firmly gripped to the floors.



It is important and necessary to optimize the working space during production and machine operation. The cost and timeline for production could be reduced thanks to ultilizing automatic and flexible tools.

Then, it could be one of the most supportive tools for production. One small adjustment, big benefits come to.



Most-used automatic ladders these days:


Image 1: Steel automatic ladder with powder coating.


Image 2: Stainless steel automatic ladder.


Image 3: Aluminum automatic ladder.